Wednesday, May 10, 2006



It is amazing how one can go on autopilot through their daily routine.
For instance, I was walking home carrying a bag of groceries last night and I walked my two flights of steps to my apartment. I reached for my keys to open the door and nothing happened. I keep pushing the unlock button but nothing was happening...
Well...I snapped out of my trance and realized that the car keys do not unlock my back door. I could have stood there all day and kept pushing the button. So laughing outloud at myself I found the right key opened the screen door and unlocked the door. (Yeah that is right I hadn't even opened the screen door. I just stood outside expecting it to open for me. I think I need a vacation!!!)
I am just glad that none of my neighbors were coming home at the same time. Then, they really would have a reason to think I am crazy!

Thursday, May 04, 2006


The Addiction

I never understood my highschoolers obsession with My Space until I actually started using it! I think it is such a great way to reconnect with old high school and college friends. Now I will admit you can definately post too much info about yourself and others. However, it is nice to be able to stay in touch withour much effort on our part!SO I must say I think I am getting addicted to my space. I also shutter at that idea but. I guess I could be addicted to worse things :-)

Tuesday, May 02, 2006


All in a Day's Work

What defines a person's ability to work?
Is it the amount of profit you make your company?
Is it the sense of security you give a new parent?
Is it the amount of time one can goof off and not get caught?
It is the ability to do everything at once and then blog the rest of the day?
Is it measured by the personal reward of connecting an individual to your ministry?
It is the thanks that you will never recieve after all the hard work you put into your job?

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